Our History |
1939: Sid Frost of the LaCrosse YMCA sends out cards to all he feels would be interested in forming an archery club. 13 men attend the first meeting; LaCrosse Archery Club formed.
1941: First indoor shoot held at what is now the Western Wisconsin Technical College.
1942: In September the first field shoot is held at Seven Elms range located behind Maple Grove Country Club. During the early years shoots were held where ever space would allow including Memorial Field (UW-LaCrosse), Myrick Park trap range, etc..
1944: Field shoots set up in Hixon Forest, LaCrosse. Shoots held there for the next 15 years.
1949: West Central Field Archery League (WCFAL) formed.
1950: LaCrosse Archery Club holds winter league indoors.
1951: LaCrosse Archery club shoots at Seven Elms range near what is now Maple Grove Country Club.
1952: LaCrosse Archery Club hosts Wisconsin Field Archery Association at Hixon Forest.
1953: The Wisconsin Conservation Department reports 269 deer killed by autos; 100 by archers.
1954: LaCrosse Archery Club changes name to Blackhawk Bow Hunters of LaCrosse, Inc.; organized with the promotion of bow hunting in mind.
1954: Blackhawk Bow Hunters of LaCrosse shoots in Hixon Forest, LaCrosse.
Mid 1950s: Split occurs within LaCrosse archery community. Blackhawk Bow Hunters and Coulee Archers are established. Blackhawk’s focus is archery without the use of sights; Coulee adopts sights.
1960: Blackhawk Bow Hunters moves outdoor field archery range to Wilson, St., Onalaska, near what is now Onalaska Luther High School.
1967: Blackhawk Bow Hunters of LaCrosse, Inc. changes name to Blackhawk Archers of LaCrosse, Inc.
1969: Land purchased on Moos Road in West Salem; becomes new field archery courage. Land purchased for $2,000 through a $100 contribution from 20 members. These members are given lifetime memberships.
1970: First building erected on Moos road site.
2001: Land swap conducted with neighboring landowners to make club property better for field archery use.
2004: Addition placed onto clubhouse. |