What is the West Central Field Archery League? |
The West Central Field Archery League (WCFAL) was established in 1949 as an interdependent league between western Wisconsin archery clubs and is believed to be the oldest league of this type in the state. Current active members include Blackhawk Archers of LaCrosse, Winona Archers, Coulee Archers and the Tomah Warrens Sportsman’s Alliance. A typical season consists of 8 shoots with a final 9th scheduled as a Championship. Shoots are held every other Sunday during the summer, generally running from late May to late July. The WCFAL shares many similarities with National Field Archery Association ranges in numbers of targets and style of ranges, however the distances are generally shorter. Freestyle distances shoot from a maximum of 60 yards while Bowhunter and Women’s classes shoot from a maximum of 40 yards. Flexible classes include: Freestyle Release; Freestyle Fingers; Barebow; and Traditional. Classes are also broken down between men, women and cadet. Fees for this league are $5.00 per shoot or $10.00 per family. |
If you would like to know more about field archery refer to What is Field Archery? in this website as well as the NFAA website. For still further information please contact any one of the club officers. |